Subtitles in Moodle Video FLV Resources

Using Jplayer 4.5.230 it is possible to include subtitles on Moodle videos.  The subtitles are encoded in an XML file which includes the timings and content.

In order to achieve this in Moodle there are a few core code tweaks to perform including a Jplayer upgrade.

To see Moodle Subtitles (close captions) in action visit the link below:

Moodle Course Quick Edit Bar

Today I finished working on the quick course edit bar.  The bar appears once the “Turn editing On” button is selected.  The bar drops down beneath the breadcrumb trail to reveal 3 of the most common settings that our tutors have problems finding under the course settings.

Moodle Task list enhances MyMoodle Page

Today I created a Moodle Task List (MTL) which further enhances the custom MyMoodle page.

The Moodle Task List works by checking a series of database queries to see whether or not a student (or staff member) has completed a certain activity or visited a certain page.

The queries are modular and extra queries can easily be “bolted” on to the list.

This task list will work great for our inductions at the start of the new term.  The list will prompt the student to do the following:

Moodle iPhone Screenshots

We have finished our version of Moodle for the iPhone.  It is not an iPhone app but we have made it look like one.

The script uses a PHP script to determine the User Agent.  If the User Agent equals “iPhone” then we tell Moodle to load the iPhone stylesheet.

New Moodle MP3 Player Skin

I have created a new skin for the MP3 player in Moodle.  It looks much better than the default one.  When I get more time I will create some more and make them available for download.


Full Screen Moodle FLV video

At last! I found the time to fix this!

The fact that Moodle does not support full screen FLV playback is something that has troubled me since day one.  The button is there and many staff and students complained that when clicked it did nothing. After sifting through the code I managed to gain a much deeper understanding of the player and noticed that the fullscreen attribute is not included in the standard Moodle distribution.

Speed up Moodle using indexes

Creating an index on the mdl_log table against info speeds up a standard Moodle installation.  Some users have reported huge performance increases, so much so that people have suggested that this be in the standard Moodle build by default. 

So far I have noticed some improvements but nothing quite as fantastic as other users are reporting, having said that, maybe you may notice a speed increase to your site, try it leave me a comment here.