Open Badges are awesome. But sometimes, organisations that adopt Moodle as their LMS fail to see the benefits or how else they can be used. Luckily, I get to work with people that want to use them as motivational tools or as a rewards system. Think Strava, there’s no better feeling than earning your 5K weekend running badge and even though your friends probably don’t care, you care. And that’s sometimes all that matters.
Recently, we completed a project that uses badges as “stamps” within a “digital passport” to encourage children to complete more activities on Moodle.
So we set about creating a digital passport with pages/tabs whereby children earn a stamp in their book each time they complete something on Moodle. I can’t take credit for the code development, my friend and colleague Charlie Horton did the dev, I did the design concept and the page texture was supplied by the client.