Welcome to my web site. This blog contains many of my Moodle thoughts, ideas, examples, tutorials and other e-Learning stuff.
As a professional web developer and e-Learning Manager I have been fortunate to work with the Moodle product for 12 years.
I have worn many hats over this time including running some of the UK’s largest Moodle installations in both Further and Higher Education. I have also been able to work in the private sector and deliver and manage Moodle projects across a whole range of sectors and industries. I also spent 2 years working for a really large UK/US Moodle Partner which was pretty fantastic.
I now work for myself and run a UK based LMS company called Adaptivle Ltd, allowing me to focus on Moodle and eLearning in much more depth. I’m having so much fun running my own company. All the fun of a tech start-up and none of the sales pressure. Plus I have 2 young children and now I get to spend plenty more time with them.
If you like, you can view my company site by clicking here.
I have a deep understanding of all things Moodle and all things e-Learning, I’m a bit of techie (OK, Geek) but I also teach and train others and have a deep understanding of teaching and learning, so when I’m not seeing the world in code I can be found researching or even designing and generally trying to do fun things in this ever changing technological era.
I hope you enjoy my blog posts. Feel free to get in touch via the usual social channels, or find me in the Moodle forums or hanging about Moots.