My Moodle 2.0 Upgrade Journey Part 1…

My Moodle 2.0 Upgrade Journey Part 1…

To upgrade or not to upgrade? That is the question.

Well my answer is…upgrade!

I am currently in the process of writing a short paper on a possible upgrade to Moodle 2.0 for Leeds City College.  I am proposing an upgrade during the summer.

Unfortunately, due to the size of the organisation, our custom tweaks, third party plug-ins and staff training needs, an upgrade isn’t going to be easy.

This blog post will be part of several posts during the run up to D-Day!  Or M2-Day as I’ll call it.

Moodle Task list enhances MyMoodle Page

Today I created a Moodle Task List (MTL) which further enhances the custom MyMoodle page.

The Moodle Task List works by checking a series of database queries to see whether or not a student (or staff member) has completed a certain activity or visited a certain page.

The queries are modular and extra queries can easily be “bolted” on to the list.

This task list will work great for our inductions at the start of the new term.  The list will prompt the student to do the following:

Moodle Course Quick Edit Bar

Today I finished working on the quick course edit bar.  The bar appears once the “Turn editing On” button is selected.  The bar drops down beneath the breadcrumb trail to reveal 3 of the most common settings that our tutors have problems finding under the course settings.

Subtitles in Moodle Video FLV Resources

Using Jplayer 4.5.230 it is possible to include subtitles on Moodle videos.  The subtitles are encoded in an XML file which includes the timings and content.

In order to achieve this in Moodle there are a few core code tweaks to perform including a Jplayer upgrade.

To see Moodle Subtitles (close captions) in action visit the link below:

Course icons on MyMoodle page

This is a simple idea, but very effective nevertheless.

I have made it even easier to find courses in the MyMoodle course list by placing category icons next to each course name.

Courses in the Sport Category have a small football icon, IT courses have a floppy disc, Tutorial courses have a question mark symbol and so on.

The script works by first checking for a .png file with the name of the category ID.  If it finds the file it will include the icon, if an icon has not yet been created for the category then it will show the default icon.